enero 9, 2023
Barcelona to launch new routes to Tel Aviv thanks to Wizz Air
New Year, New Routes!

Monday, 9 January 2023, 16:10: Wizz Air, Europe’s fastest-growing and most environmentally sustainable airline globally[1], and the Barcelona Air Route Development Committee (BARDC) meet today at Josep Tarradellas Barcelona - El Prat Airport to welcome a new route to Tel Aviv Ben Gourion International Airport. Tickets are available now on wizzair.com or via the airline’s mobile app, with fares starting from EUR 54.99*.

The Barcelona Air Routes Development Committee (BARDC) within its Strategic Plan 2021-2024, has as its main objective the recovery of routes/companies that operated before the pandemic, increasing capacity in some existing destinations with high demand but low supply.

Israel has been among the countries with the highest demand for many years and, even with the main route, Tel Aviv, amply covered, the demand exceeds the existing capacity.

The airline, which started its operation back in 2004 in Barcelona, the very year when it started its operation is now flying to Tel Aviv as well, making it its 20th destination being offered from the capital of Catalunya.

Tel Aviv is the Israeli NONSTOP CITY, offering a combination of culture, history, entertainment, a strong High-tech ecosystem, great beaches, young and old, tourists and locals, Jews, Muslims, and Christians. In Tel Aviv, you can find an excellent culinary scene, as well as cafes, bars and clubs, historical sites, and impressive museums.

It is also recommended to go to the southern part - Jaffa - and enjoy 3500 years of history on one hand, and modern entertainment places on the other. All of these of course in front of the beautiful beach where you can find young surfers and old fishermen. In Jaffa, you can see the magic of combining different religions and people from different backgrounds, living side by side.

Wizz Air will offer the route Barcelona- Tel Aviv, and v.v., throughout the year, with 4 weekly frequencies on an Airbus A321 NEO aircraft, which offers a capacity of 239 seats.

The new Airbus A321neo incorporates the latest technologies in aviation. It offers significant environmental benefits, with a nearly 50% reduction in noise footprint, a 20% reduction in fuel consumption, and a 50% reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions compared to the previous model. Wizz Air is the biggest operator of the Airbus A321neo in Europe and has one of the largest standalone order books globally of over 300 aircraft of this type, which will help the airline reach its sustainability targets.

 From 9 January 2023 route Barcelona - Tel Aviv:


Route Operating Days Starts Fares From*
Barcelona-Tel Aviv Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 9 January 2023 EUR 54.99

* One-way price, including taxes, administration, and other non-optional charges. One carry-on bag (max: 40x30x20cm) is included. Trolley bag and each piece of checked-in baggage is subject to additional fees. The price applies only to bookings made on wizzair.com and the WIZZ mobile app.


Evelin Jeckel, Network Officer at Wizz Air said: “We are thrilled to announce an additional route from Barcelona to Tel Aviv to our customers and with that to be able to offer 20 destinations to 13 countries for them to fly with us to. We constantly strive to expand our route network and invest in the Spanish market, creating more low-fare connections. I am delighted also to highlight that never before have we carried as many passengers from Barcelona as in 2022 and we look forward to welcoming customers onboard our young, efficient, and sustainable aircraft in 2023 and beyond as well”.

Barcelona/Catalonia is currently an outbound and inbound market for tourists and businesses to/from Israel.  There is an unmet demand of 24,437/54,516 passengers (Aug 2021-Jul 2022 v.v./ Aug 2018 - Jul 2019) who flew indirectly. This demand does not show much seasonality (Data source: origin-destination/non-direct/MIDT/Sabre).


About Wizz Air    

 Wizz Air, the fastest-growing European ultra-low-cost airline, operates a fleet of 177 Airbus A320 and A321 aircraft. A team of dedicated aviation professionals delivers superior service and very low fares, making Wizz Air the preferred choice of 27.1 million passengers in the Financial Year F22 ending 31 March 2022.

Wizz Air is listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker WIZZ.

The company was recently named one of the world's top ten safest airlines by airlineratings.com, the world's only safety and product rating agency, and 2020 Airline of the Year by ATW, the most coveted honor an airline or individual can receive, recognizing individuals and organizations that have distinguished themselves through outstanding performance, innovation, and superior service. Wizz Air has also been recognized as the “Most Sustainable Low-Cost Airline” within the World Finance Sustainability Awards 2022 and the “Global Environmental Sustainability Airline Group of the Year” by the CAPA-Centre for Aviation Awards for Excellence 2022.


* According to the CAPA – Centre for Aviation Awards for Excellence 2022

** One-way price, including taxes, administration, and other non-optional charges. One carry-on bag (max: 40x30x20cm) is included. Trolley bag and each piece of checked-in baggage is subject to additional fees. The price applies only to bookings made on wizzair.com and the WIZZ mobile app.


For more information: Zsuzsa Trubek, Communications Manager, Wizz Air: +36 70 652 4115


Follow us on Instagram:  @wizzair

Follow us on Facebook: @wizzair

Follow us on Twitter: @wizzair

Notes for Editors: 

  • All Wizz Air flights are operated on Airbus A320 aircraft, with 180 seats and A321 aircraft with 230 seats and Airbus A320neo aircraft with 186 seats, and Airbus A321neo aircraft with 239 seats
  • For free pictures of aircraft, crews, and logo library please visit http://wizzair.com/en-GB/press

[1] According to the CAPA – Centre for Aviation Awards for Excellence 2022


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