novembre 18, 2019
The Barcelona Air Route Development Committee (BARDC) in Japan
Calvet has offered the support of the BARDC to achieve this new direct flight, since Tokyo occupies the first place of the destinations not served wit

• The Minister of Territory and Sustainability and representative of the BARDC, was "convinced that a direct flight between the two cities is good business for the airline and for the country as a whole, consolidating and opening up new opportunities for all"

• Calvet has offered the support of the BARDC to achieve this new direct flight, since Tokyo occupies the first place of the destinations not served within agency’s 2018-2019 Strategic Plan

The Minister of Territory and Sustainability, Damià Calvet, as a representative of the BARDC, has met with the directors of the company All Nippon Airways (ANA), conveying his interest in establishing a direct route Barcelona - Tokyo. After the session, Calvet undertook to "work to make it possible because we are convinced that a direct flight between Barcelona and Tokyo is good business for the airline and for the country as a whole, consolidating and opening up new opportunities for everyone."

Barcelona has more than 190,000 trips that currently fly indirectly in Japan, which demonstrates the viability of this project. And with this conviction, a meeting was held with All Nippon Airways (ANA). The minister has offered the support of the BARDC, made up of the Generalitat, the City Council of Barcelona, ​​the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, and Aena, to make this new direct flight possible because, precisely, Tokyo occupies the first place in the strategic destinations to be achieved in the committee ‘s 2018-2019 Strategic Plan. Calvet has valued Catalonia's relations with Japan, with 260 Japanese companies installed in Catalan territory.

This meeting, where Calvet was accompanied by the Minister of Business and Knowledge, Ángeles Chacón; the secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility and President of the CDRA, Isidre Gavín; and the president of the Port of Barcelona, ​​Mercè Conesa, is part of the meetings scheduled in the framework of the mission in Japan that the Government is carrying out this week together with the Port of Barcelona. Chacón stressed that a new Barcelona - Japan air route "would boost tourism, since Japan is the main Asian passenger-issuing market to Catalonia: 300,000 Japanese tourists arrived last year and 30% growth is expected in 2019".

Source:  BARDC Secretariat 2019

Barcelona Air Route Development Committee

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