maig 28, 2024

Abu Dhabi, UAE/Girona, Spain – Etihad Airways will become the main sponsor of Girona FC from next season. This strategic alliance, which has been established for three years, underscores Etihad's deep commitment to the Spanish market and its dedication to enhancing connectivity and cultural exchange.

Etihad has grown its Spanish operation by nearly 50% since last summer as 2024 sees the airline operate 10 weekly flights to both Madrid and Barcelona. In addition, the airline is excited to introduce seasonal flights, operating three times a week to Málaga starting on 2 June, further enhancing travel and tourism between the regions.

This partnership represents a shared commitment to excellence, community, and the power of connecting people and cultures. Girona FC, with its rich history and passionate fan base, aligns perfectly with Etihad's values of giving flight to ambition and striving for the highest standards in all its endeavours.

"We are thrilled to partner with Girona FC, a club that resonates with our brand values and aspirations. This sponsorship is a testament to our dedication to the Spanish market and our aim to strengthen the bonds between the UAE and Spain," said Arik De, Chief Revenue and Commercial Officer of Etihad Airways. “Etihad Airways looks forward to a successful partnership with Girona and to bringing our worlds closer together through the beautiful game.”

Delfí Geli, President of Girona FC, added: "We are incredibly proud to welcome Etihad Airways as our main sponsor. This partnership extends beyond the traditional, embracing a future where we can grow together in strength and spirit. Etihad's global perspective and commitment to excellence reflect our aspirations on and off the pitch."

The collaboration between Etihad Airways and Girona FC is more than a sponsorship—it is a mutual commitment to foster community spirit and bring people together, enhancing the fan experience and providing more opportunities to engage with sport globally.

As main sponsor, Etihad Airways will feature prominently on Girona FC’s team kits from the coming season and within the club's home ground. The partnership will also offer exciting new opportunities for fans, including unique promotions and special events, designed to celebrate this union of cultures and passions.

Under the new partnership, travellers from Abu Dhabi flying to Barcelona will have an even greater incentive to explore the charming region around Girona. Catalonia, with its picturesque landscapes, vibrant cities, and rich cultural heritage, offers a wealth of experiences. Visitors can enjoy exceptional cuisine and experience various cultural festivals, making it an ideal destination for both relaxation and adventure. Additionally, they can cheer for Girona FC at the Estadi Montilivi, adding an exciting sporting experience to their journey.


Photo Caption: From left to right: Girona FC players Yan Couto (Defender), Artem Dovbyk (forward), Sávio Moreira de Oliveira (forward) accompanied by Etihad Airways Cabin Crew

About Etihad Airways

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the UAE, was formed in 2003 and quickly went on to become one of the world’s leading airlines. From its home in Abu Dhabi, Etihad flies to passenger and cargo destinations in the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and North America. Together with Etihad’s codeshare partners, Etihad’s network offers access to hundreds of international destinations. In recent years, Etihad has received numerous awards for its superior service and products, cargo offering, loyalty programme and more. Etihad sees tackling the climate crisis as the most important issue of our time and was named the Airline Ratings Environmental Airline of the Year 2022 and 2023. It has invested billions in fuel-efficient aircraft. Through strategic partnerships with major global aviation brands and OEMs, Etihad is relentless in its pursuit of industry decarbonisation.

To learn more, visit


Media Contact:  Duty Media Officer - Etihad Airways - Tel: +97150 818 9596 - Email:



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