juliol 1, 2022
Barcelona to launch new routes to Saudi Arabia thanks to SAUDIA Airlines
Saudia Airlines new route to Barcelona: Jeddah & Riyadh

Thursday, 30 June 2022, 14:30h: SAUDIA Airlines, Saudia National Air Connectivity Program,  and the Barcelona Air Route Development Committee (CDRA) meet today at Josep Tarradellas Barcelona - El Prat Airport to welcome two new routes: Jeddah and Riyadh.

The Barcelona Air Routes Development Committee (CDRA) within its Strategic Plan 2021-2024, has as its main objective the recovery of routes/companies that operated before the pandemic, increase capacity in some existing destinations with high demand but low supply, as well as increase new routes to new destinations.

Saudi Arabia has been among the CDRA's target countries for several years and now, thanks to SAUDIA Airlines and the Saudi Government, we will have a direct connection to a country with more than 35 million inhabitants and where Barcelona already has a great brand image.

The Saudi Ministry of Tourism, together with the Saudi National Air Connectivity Programme, aims to attract more than 100 million visitors to Saudi Arabia by 2030, the country is preparing its total opening to tourism and the CDRA gives it its full support.

It is for this reason that, between today Thursday, and next Saturday, we will welcome to J.T. Barcelona-El Prat Airport, a new company, SAUDIA Airlines, which until now had only operated flights on time. It will offer the route Jeddah - Barcelona, and v.v., throughout the year and, during the high summer season, the route Riyadh - Barcelona and v.v. Both routes will operate 2 weekly frequencies with Boeing Dreamliner 787-900, which offers a capacity of 298 seats with 2 cabins: 274 Economy and 24 Business Class.

From 2 July 2022 route Jeddah - Tuesday and Saturday

- SV229 10:20 Jeddah - 14:50 Barcelona

- SV228 16:10 Barcelona - 22:35 Jeddah

From 30 June to 25 August 2022: route Riyadh - Mondays and Thursdays

- SV229 09:50 Riyadh - 14:50 Barcelona

- SV228 16:10 Barcelona - 22:35 Riyadh

The airline has been awarded by The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) as a 5-star airline, which reflects the enormous effort made into both its products and services on board. Some of the most appreciated services are the possibility of receiving hot towels in Economy Class, chef service, improved Wi-Fi connectivity, a unique juice service, as well as a greatly improved in-flight entertainment offer, among other novelties.

The Middle East is a very important intercontinental market for Barcelona/Catalonia, offering connectivity to this area and to part of Asia-Pacific, as does SAUDIA Airlines.

Barcelona/Catalonia is currently an inbound market for tourists from Saudi Arabia and further afield. There is an unserved demand of 56,263 passengers who flew indirectly in 2019, 19% of which flew Business Class, and a growth that year of 18% over the previous year. Non-direct demand to Riyadh and Jeddah in 2019 was 28,865 and 16,629 passengers respectively. This demand does not show much seasonality (Data source: origin-destination/non-directional/MIDT/Sabre).

The type of Saudi passenger is motivated by cultural tourism, shopping, and the mild climate offered by Barcelona/Catalonia compared to their country. A business passenger is also expected, related to the existing historical-commercial links.

Institutional Photo: From left to right: Mr. Jaume Adrover - Director Grl GPA/Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, Mr. Patrick Torrent, Executive Director of the Catalan Tourism Agency, Mr. Jordi Candela, Director Grl Aeroports de Catalunya - Generalitat de Catalunya, Ms. Sonia Corrochano, Director of JT Barcelona - El Prat Airport, Mr. Ala Omar Jefri, Saudia Manager Saudia- France, Spain, Italy & Swiss, Ms. Anita Gackowska, Air Service Development & Aviation Marketing - Air Connectivity Program and,  Ms. Maria Carmona, Manager Sales & Marketing Saudia Spain

Source: Saudia Airlines/BARDC

Media Relations Center:

Saudia Airlines - Jeddah 21231



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