abril 25, 2024

Barcelona, 25 April 2024:

United to present its new daily seasonal route from Barcelona to San Francisco to leading travel agents. It is the only US airline to connect Barcelona directly to the West Coast of the USA.

United is the leading airline in supply and size at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). The airline currently operates more than 200 daily flights to more than 80 destinations in the United States and around the world. This route allows connections to other cities in the USA, Canada, Central America and Asia.

It features ergonomic seating in the United Economy cabin with 81cm for legs. In-flight amenities include a blanket, pillow and headphones,  food and beverages. It offers an extensive in-flight entertainment system.

The United Economy Plus cabin, more space and comfort are added to the Economy package. Seats are positioned closer to the front of the cabin allowing for quicker entry/exit. This cabin offers a more comfortable and luxurious experience, with 96 cm for legs. In addition,  this class offers a more comfortable and more luxurious experience, with 96 cm. Onboard amenities include: individual power sockets and USB charger, adjustable foot and leg rests, food and beverage with crockery and cutlery, cloth napkin,... A full entertainment system, noise-reducing headphones, luxury Saks Avenue blanket and pillow.

And finally, the United Polaris cabin offers reclining lie-flat seats with up to 198cm of sleeping space. State-of-the-art seatback or personal device entertainment system with noise-reducing headphones, Menus designed by world-class chefs, as well as, award-winning wines and champagnes, travel toiletries for an invigorating sleep, including spa-quality products, Refreshing gel memory foam pillows and luxurious Saks Fifth Avenue bedding, including pillows, blankets and duvets, dedicated check-in counters and security lines, preferential baggage handling and priority boarding with Premier AccessSM. Access to United Polaris lounges and select airline partner lounges with this  Polaris class, you have access to the Polaris lounges in San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York and Washington DC.

United, the company with the largest aircraft order in history, more than 800, has a fleet renewal programme.

By 2023, we have introduced an average of one new aircraft to our fleet every three days - and we will do so five years in a row.


 FLT Num. Route Departure Arrival Frequency Equipment Operating dates
UA673 BCN – SFO 17:20 20:25 DAILY B777 – 200ER FRM24MAY-26OCT24
UA672 SFO - BCN 17:25 13:55+1 DAILY B777 – 200ER FRM24MAY-26OCT24


Source: United Airlines

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