maig 20, 2020
World Routes and Barcelona IATA Slot Conference to Focus on Recovery
Barcelona IATA Slot Conference to Focus on Recovery

Routes’ flagship event, World Routes, has been confirmed to take place on 14-16 November in Milan, Italy just before theIATA Slots Conference in Barcelona, Spain on 17-20 November.

As some governments look to ease restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the coming months, the travel and tourism industry must now plan ahead for economic recovery. This industry accounts for more than 10% of global GDP, with travel and tourism generating one in ten of the world’s jobs. Against this backdrop, IATA and Routes want to support the industry and the recovery of regions hit hard by coronavirus.

Routes’ flagship event, World Routes 2020, has been confirmed to take place on 14-16 November in Milan, Italy just before the IATA Slots Conference in Barcelona, Spain on 17-20 November. These two events will be crucial for the wider aviation community and both IATA and Routes see this week as a focal point to further support the recovery of our industry.

Although both events are very different in their purpose and the type of work that is achieved, they are supporting the necessary planning of routes, schedules and now the rebuilding of the industry.

Given the proximity, both in timing and location of the two events, attendees will have the unique opportunity to start their week at World Routes in Milan, joining airlines, airports and tourism authorities in researching new route development and potential services, and end at the Slot Conference in Barcelona, joining airlines and coordinators of congested airports to plan, optimize and finalize their slots and schedules for what we hope will be a period of recovery for the industry as we look toward 2021.

Steven Small, Director of Events at Routes, said: “Working with IATA to ensure both events are complementary to those attending is an indication of the importance of collaboration within the sector. In times of crisis, the industry must come together. I hope the meetings facilitated by this year’s World Routes and the Slot Conference help the industry to trigger stronger partnerships of the future.”

Lara Maughan, Head of Worldwide Airport Slots IATA, also expressed her optimism for the week, stating: “The whole industry is in turmoil right now, so we hope by November these two events provide a chance for the aviation sector to focus on the rebuilding of their schedules and destinations for 2021, to help stimulate services that will support global recovery and enable economies and tourism alike to see improvements in air travel.”

World Routes 2020 will feature a program of senior figures from across the industry, with recovery featuring as the core topic on the agenda. With panel discussions, CEO interviews and airline briefings, the event will act as a vital meeting point between industry leaders around the globe as the sector moves towards reconstruction.

Routes looks forward to meeting with the route development community at our event in November and rebuilding the aviation industry together with our partners and key industry stakeholders.

Source: -

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