June 12, 2019
Cathay Pacific operates the Barcelona - Hong Kong route with Airbus A350-1000
Cathay Pacific   increases the capacity of its 4 weekly flights with the latest generation A350-1000 aircraft for this summer season

Barcelona, June 12, 2019.- Cathay Pacific strengthens its presence in Barcelona during the summer season. Thus, with the aim of meeting a growing demand, the company will operate the four weekly flights of its Barcelona-Hong Kong flight with the A350-1000 aircraft.

To celebrate Cathay Pacific's new commitment to Barcelona, the airline has organized a presentation at Josep Tarradella Barcelona El Prat Airport. The event was attended by  Mr. Justin Chang, Country Manager of Cathay Pacific for Spain and Italy, and representatives of  Barcelona Air Route Development Committee (BARDC) members such as; Mrs. Sonia Corrochano,   Director of JT Barcelona El Prat,/AENA; Mr. Isidre Gavín, Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility /Government of Catalonia & President of BARDC; Mr.  Cristian Bardají, Director of Infrastructure Studies at the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona; and Mr. Xavier Mayo - International city promotion/Barcelona city Council - among many others.

The premium airline of Hong Kong is proud to be a pioneer in establishing a commercial route both cities and continues its consolidation plans in Barcelona, which is reaffirmed each year as a tourist destination of great attractiveness in Asia. For this reason the company has decided to increase the capacity of its flights with the implementation of the A350-1000, the most innovative aircraft on the market, which exceeds the capacity of the previous model with a total of 334 passengers - 54 passengers more than the A350 model- 900 from the airline.

The premium airline of Hong Kong is proud to be a pioneer in establishing a commercial route both cities and continues its consolidation plans in Barcelona, which is reaffirmed each year as a tourist destination of great attractiveness in Asia. For this reason the company has decided to increase the capacity of its flights with the implementation of the A350-1000, the most innovative aircraft on the market, which exceeds the capacity of the previous model with a total of 334 passengers - 54 passengers more than the A350 model- 900 from the airline.

"Barcelona is one of the leading business cities in Europe, it  is a perfect destination for our travelers. business as for leisure" said Mr. Justin Chang, country manager of Cathay Pacific for Spain and Italy.


Cathay Pacific has one of the youngest fleets in the global aviation market and the A350-1000 is the latest addition, and the first airline to operate this  airplane in the country. And, at present, it continues to be the only airline to operate with this latest Airbus model in Spain.

The A350-1000 is equipped with the latest technology of the Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-97 engines. In addition, its efficiency in saving fuel, reducing consumption by 25% for each trip, one of the main objectives of Cathay Pacific in the configuration of its current fleet.

Likewise, the aircraft represents a substantial improvement in the comfort and well-being of the passengers on board, one of the priorities of the airline. In this way, the comfort of passengers has been the main objective when designing the cabins and offers the highest quality standards with 50% quieter cabins, an environment without currents, adjustable lighting to reduce jet lag, improvements in wi-fi connectivity, wider seats, etc. - among many other features.

With the implementation of the A350-1000 on all flights from Barcelona and as manifested by its new philosophy "Move Beyond", Cathay Pacific urges to go beyond the established and to promote the connection of people, places and experiences.

This case, through the union of East and West, two very different worlds but each time closer thanks to Cathy Pacific's non-stop connections with Asia. In this way, the airline works with the objective of becoming one of the best companies in the aeronautical industry.

Source: Cathay Pacific/BARDC-Juny 2019

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