90 Mill passatgers will be at JT Barcelona Prat airport, in 2030.
A study by the Chamber of Commerce proposes accelerate planned investments and seasonalize and reconfigure runways.
A study by the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona foresees that JT BCN El Prat Airport can reach 90 million passengers by 2030, although it warns that this growth must take place in a sustainable way and with a balanced strategic approach. According to the study, the current scenario suggests that 70 million passengers will be reached before 2030, which is the horizon set in the new Master Plan, and recommends accelerating the planned investment schedule, together with other measures such as promoting seasonalism, reducing the safe distance between consecutive planes, adapting the configuration of the tracks to traffic or restricting urban growth in the zone of direct influence of air operations, amongst others.
50 million passengers Currently, JT BCN El Prat Airport with 50 million consolidated passengers and 78 operations per hour, according to 2018 data, a figure that would increase to 90 with a scenario of 70 million passengers, Similar aircraft, or 90 million passengers, seasonalizing the operation. This is one of the measures recommended by the Chamber: a seasonal change in the hours, since the most requested slots are between 10 and 12 at noon and between 7 and 9 at night, as at the time of year to do del Prat an attractive destination 365 days a year.
The Director of Infrastructures of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Mr. Cristian Bardají, recalls that the current master plan works with a maximum planned 70 million passengers and that it is a “horizon” that will be exceeded that year, just when it is also planned the entry into operation of a new satellite terminal. As detailed in a continuing scenario, 2030 could reach 81.3 million, while the most optimistic scenarios put the passenger figure at 107.2 million, which is why the Chamber has worked in an intermediate scenario, of 90 million.
On the other hand, Bardají assured that the House is “conscious” of the congestion of space Passengers cross security checks at JT BCN El Prat Airport .
European airline and recalled the problems of last summer, which resulted in a lack of punctuality in many airports. “The forecasts say it will rise and we are not clear if the airspace gives more than yes. There will be tensions that go beyond the airport, “says Bardají, who made it clear that” it will not be possible to grow indefinitely. ” However, in order to face sustainable growth, the Chamber proposes several measures, such as evaluating different configurations of the clues and their impact on the environment, both on an environmental and acoustic level. Currently, the preferred configuration is the west, but different scenarios have been evaluated in which it has been concluded that the current operation, with landing on the long runway and short-haul affects 4,200 Gavà neighbors; while the reverse affects 4,657. In case of use, the Chamber of Commerce proposes several measures to deal with sustainable growth. They call for better management of land use in the area of the airport and restrictions on urban growth.
Another measure is the seasonal adjustment, both in terms of hours and at the time of the year, two tracks in the same direction, the exposed people rise to 12,653 from Gavà and Castelldefels.
According to Bardají, the inconveniences mainly come from the long track, and warned that if the tendency is to use increasingly larger aircraft (such as the A350 and A380 models), “it will be necessary to find ways to normalize the use of the long runway or that the short runway is longer for the part of the port », and has asked to review the operation at night hours due to the limitations between eleven at night and seven in the morning. On the other hand, the Chamber has demanded a better management of land use in the area of the airport and that there are restrictions on urban growth in the areas of influence, as well as the convening of a meeting table territorial
The director of Infrastructures of the cameral ensured that the incidence of noise among neighbors close to the airport is much lower than that of other comparable infrastructures, such as London Heathrow (707,600 affected), Brussels (70,000) and Amsterdam (62,000).
Source: Regio7 http://ow.ly/LDYY30p4ktZ /July 2019
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