July 2, 2018
Ethiopian Airlines launches new route connect Barcelona – Addis Ababa
Ethiopian Airlines  launches a new route between Barcelona el Prat and Addis Ababa,4 times per week

Barcelona, ​​July 2, 2018 - Ethiopian Airlines (Ethiopian),) one of the Star Alliance companies, launches a new route between Barcelona el Prat and Addis Ababa, four times per week with a technical stop (1hr) at Madrid Barajas Adolfo Suárez Airport.

  • Ethiopian Airlines is one of the leading airlines in Africa, both in passenger and air cargo, and will connect Barcelona and Addis Ababa with four weekly flights with the new Boeing 787- 800 and/or Boeing 777
  • Barcelona is consolidating its attractive for the Africa traffic and it’s already the main gateway to Spain.
  • Addis Ababa is a key city that reinforces the existing social and economic ties with Catalonia and stimulates new potential.

Operation details:

ET712  ADD   2320 – 0805+1  BCN      B787/B777            Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday

ET713  BCN  2015 – 0630+1  ADD       B787/B777            Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday

The Barcelona Routes Development Committee of Barcelona (BARDC) formed by Aena, the Barcelona City Council, the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia has supported the creation of this route from the first moment. It is the first regular route between Ethiopia and Barcelona that is important at a time like the current one where Addis Ababa is growing in tourism and also in business.

As flag carrier of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Airlines has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in Africa for efficiency and operational success, turning profits for most years of its existence.

Ethiopian Airlines was established on December 21, 1945. It has now become one of Ethiopia’s major industries and an institution in Africa, operating a modern and environmental friendly fleet. It commands the lion’s share of the pan African network, including the only daily east-west flight across the continent.

Ethiopian’s network spans to Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Middle East and Asia, connecting cities across the globe. The airline is currently implementing its 15-year strategic plan called "Vision 2025" with the goal of becoming the leading aviation group in Africa. Ethiopian is proud to be a Star Alliance Member since December 2011.

The new flight is the result of a thorough analysis of the market that shows a growing passenger demand over the past five years between the two cities.

Addis Ababa Airport, or Addis Ababa Bole International Airport is based in the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It is located in the Bole area, 6 km (3.7 miles) southeast of the city centre and 65 km (40 miles) north of Debre Zeyit. It is the main hub of Ethiopian Airlines. Therefore, the national airline that serves destinations in Ethiopia and throughout the African continent. In addition to that, the airline has nonstop service to Asia, Europe, North America and South America.

Addis Ababa Airport offers domestic and international flights that connect with everyone with more than 8.9 million passenger traffic. Is one of the major hubs of the Ethiopian and has had a rapid growth in international traffic. A figure that shows the great potential and strategic value of this route with regard to tourism and business.

The flight operates with a Boeing 787 -800 or Boeing 777, with capacity for 290/315 seats, 24/28 Business class and 246/287 Economy class. (The capacity may change depending on the model and/or configuration)

Ethiopian has received a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner, which marks the 100th aircraft of the company's current fleet.

Ethiopian is the fastest growing Airline in Africa. In its seventy plus years of operation, Ethiopian has become one of the continent’s leading carriers, unrivalled in efficiency and operational success.

Ethiopian commands the lion’s share of the pan-African passenger and cargo network operating the youngest and most modern fleet to more than 110 international passenger and cargo destinations across five continents. Ethiopian fleet includes ultra-modern and environmentally friendly aircraft such as Airbus A350, Boeing 787-8, Boeing 787-9, Boeing 777-300ER, Boeing 777-200LR, Boeing 777-200 Freighter, Bombardier Q-400 double cabin with an average fleet age of five years. In fact, Ethiopian is the first airline in Africa to own and operate these aircraft.

Ethiopian is currently implementing a 15-year strategic plan called Vision 2025 that will see it become the leading aviation group in Africa with seven business centres: Ethiopian International Services; Ethiopian Express Services; Ethiopian Cargo & Logistics centre; Ethiopian MRO Services; Ethiopian Aviation Academy; ET In-flight Catering; Ethiopian Ground Services, Ethiopian Airports Services and Ethiopian Skylight Hotel. Ethiopian is a multi-award winning airline registering an average growth of 25% in the past seven years

About Ethiopian

Ethiopia is a multicultural, multifaceted destination where the art of hospitality is alive and well: visitors are typically greeted with a steaming cup of coffee, which was first discovered in this very country.

The Ethiopian Immigration and Nationality Affairs Main Department in collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines has launched an e-visa service for all international visitors to Ethiopia effective June 01, 2018.

The e- visa is processed and issued online on a single webpage where applicants apply, pay and secure their entry visa online. Once the application is approved, applicants will receive an email authorizing them to travel to Ethiopia and they will get their passport stamped with the visa upon arrival in Addis Ababa.

Though the e-visa service initially launched in June, 2017 was available for a limited number of countries, under the new initiative all international visitors will be able to travel to Ethiopia by processing their visa online. (https://www.evisa.gov.et/#/tourist-visa)

Source:  BARDC/ July 2018

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