December 19, 2018
Etihad Airways to introduce Boeing 787 900 Dreamliner to Barcelona
Etihad Airways will introduce the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner in Barcelona

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Etihad Airways will introduce the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner on its scheduled services from Abu Dhabi to Barcelona, effective 22 February 2019, replacing the Airbus A330-200 currently operating the recently launched route.

The deployment of the larger 787 Dreamliner to Barcelona has been timed to coincide with the Mobile World Conference taking place in the city from 25-28 February, during which Etihad Airways will provide daily flights. The airline will increase frequency to a permanent daily operation from 31 March.

The service will feature Etihad Airways’ next-generation Business and Economy cabins, configured with 299 seats - 28 Business Studios and 271 Economy Smart Seats -  a capacity increase of six seats in Business and 31 in Economy in each direction, and an increase in belly-hold cargo capacity of four tonnes.

Etihad Airways’ Boeing 787-9 aircraft feature innovative, award-winning cabin designs and products, complemented by the airline’s acclaimed service and hospitality offering. Flights include Food and Beverage Managers in Business Class and a Flying Nanny in Economy Class to provide extra specialised care for families with young children.

Etihad Airways provides business and leisure travellers with convenient timings between Abu Dhabi and Barcelona, and seamless onward connections through Abu Dhabi to major cities in the Indian Subcontinent, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, and Australia.

Etihad Airways operates an extensive codeshare partnership with Air Europa (UX) allowing guests a seamless transfer with the Spanish airline’s services between Barcelona and Madrid. Etihad also codeshares with Air Europa beyond Madrid to 19 cities in Europe, South America, Mexico and the Caribbean.


Boeing 787 schedule to Barcelona, effective 22 February 2019

Flight      Origin Dep      Destination     Arrives     Freq   
EY 49 Abu Dhabi 02:20 Barcelona  07:15 Daily*
EY 50 Barcelona 10:10 Abu Dhabi 20:00 Daily*

Notes: All departures and arrivals are listed in local time.*Permanent daily operation from 31 March 2019

About Etihad Airways’ Boeing 787-9 (two-class)

The 28 Business Studios offer direct aisle access, a fully-flat bed of up to 80.5 inches in length, and an increase of 20 per cent in personal space. Upholstered in fine Poltrona Frau leather, the Business Studio is equipped with an in-seat massage and pneumatic cushion control system which enables guests to adjust the firmness and comfort of their seat.

Each Business Studio has an 18-inch personal touch-screen TV with noise-cancelling headsets. Guests can also enjoy mobile connectivity, onboard Wi-Fi and seven satellite channels of live TV.

271 Economy Smart Seats provide enhanced comfort with a unique ‘fixed wing’ headrest, adjustable lumbar support, a seat width of approximately 19 inches and an 11.1” personal TV monitor on each seat. The aircraft has been designed with enhancements including humidity controls while air pressure levels are set to ensure a smoother flight, allowing guests to arrive feeling fresher.

The airline’s Boeing 787 fleet is equipped with the latest inflight entertainment system featuring over 750 hours of movies and programmes, as well as hundreds of music choices and a selection of games for both adults and children.

Source:  Etihad Airways/ December 2018

Barcelona Air Route Development Committee

promotes Barcelona Airport intercontinental flight

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